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All owners of property in the Lake Special Assessment District are PPLA members. We welcome your participation in any way you can, with your time or with a financial contribution which fund all PPLA projects, activities and other costs. There are two ways to contribute: on-line or by check or cash.


To contribute by check or cash complete the Member Information Form, and send it with your check made out to Paw Paw Lake Association or cash contribution to: Paw Paw Lake Association; P. O. Box 206; Watervliet, MI 49098.


 Click here to be directed to the  Member Information Form


We also greatly appreciate contributions to our association which can be designated for two specific areas.


Contributions to the General Fund pay for operating and administrative costs of the PPLA.

Contributions to the Legal Fund are restricted for legal fees when necessary.


We accept all major credit cards as well as PayPal. 


A donation of $30 or more received by April 15 enables you a one year subscription to the Riparian Magazine.


You may make a one-time donation by typing in the amount or set up a regular monthly donation!


Monthly MEMBERDonations

© 2019 by Paw Paw Lake Association

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